March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. Don’t forget to schedule your colonoscopy!

Cristian E. Dominguez, M.D.


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To schedule an appointment, please call 713-468-2030 or click the “Message Us” button located at the bottom right corner of your screen and a member of our team will contact you within 48 hours.

A Bilingual Gastroenterologist in Houston

How Dr. Dominguez Supports Patients on the Path to Wellness

Dr. Cristian E. Dominguez, MD, is Board Certified in Gastroenterology. Dr. Dominguez supports the needs of our local community by providing bilingual healthcare services to patients. Learn more about how Dr. Dominguez provides expert care.

  • Medical focus: Advanced therapeutic endoscopy, which includes diagnosing and treating pancreaticobiliary diseases through EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound) and ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatogram). Dr. Dominguez also provides general gastroenterology services that include open access colonoscopies, screenings, and upper endoscopies.
  • Dr. Dominguez Quote: “The gratitude and joy I receive from patients and their families is refreshing and rewarding. This is what keeps me going every day.”

Q&A With Dr. Dominguez

Question: Why Did You Get Into Healthcare?

Dr. Dominguez: I realized I had a calling to help those who are sick. When I was young, my grandfather started feeling sick and was later diagnosed with gastric cancer. I was eager to help him in any way I could. I would accompany him to his doctor’s appointments so I could explain to my family what the doctors had said. When he finally passed away, I knew I wanted to become a doctor so I could take care of people like my grandfather and make an impact in their life and their family.

Question: What Drew You To Gastroenterology?

Dr. Dominguez: During my third year of medical school, I had the opportunity to rotate through a 2-week gastroenterology elective. One day I went to the ER to see a patient who was having GI bleeding. The patient needed an emergent upper endoscopy where we found him to have a bleeding stomach ulcer. I was amazed at how the GI attending handled scope and how quickly he “put out the fire” as he swiftly stopped the bleeding stomach ulcer to save the man’s life. From that moment on, I knew I wanted to become a gastroenterologist.



707 S Fry Rd
Suite 290
Katy, TX 77450

Phone: 713-468-2030
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